
A Royal Welcome for Thailand Queen

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There was a royal welcome awaiting Thailand’s Queen Sirikit when she arrived, quite a bit late due to the heavy peak-hour traffic, at Pasadena’s Ambassador College on Wednesday night.

There was Herbert W. Armstrong, the white-haired patriarch of the Ambassador Foundation and the college, to escort her into Ambassador Auditorium and later the mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, and Pasadena Mayor William J. Bogaard greeted her with gifts. Mayor Bogaard gave her the key to his city and Mayor Bradley handed her a ribbon-tied silver box which one of the queen’s ladies in waiting promptly carried off unopened.

The party for the queen was small (about 130) and select. Early Wednesday evening while awaiting Her Majesty’s arrival, they toured the exhibition, tastefully arranged by her staff. On view were treasures of ancient gold, silver and gemstone and modern samples (woven silks, reed weaving, etc.) of the work the queen is sponsoring in Thai villages through her SUPPORT Foundation.


Strolling through Ambassador College’s Hall of Administration, Britain’s Consul General Donal Ballentyne and his wife admired the gold and silver vessels, bowls for betel nuts, a small makeup box. Union Oil’s Chairman Fred Hartley and his wife, who travel often to Thailand (Union Oil has large interests in that country), served as guides for a few guests who were asking questions. Touring together were financier Richard Colburn, his wife (stunning in silvery-gray satin and diamonds) and their house guest from Stuttgart, Michaela Stoxreiter. A cluster of the local diplomatic corps--the Netherlands’ J. Fietelaars, Belgium’s Andre Adam and their wives (who chat to each other in Spanish) and Spain’s Munoz del Castillo--walked through together. The Republic of China’s Consul General Shu Bei Tang strolled by the glass cases slowly. It was Mrs. Fietelaars who pointed out the greatest treasure of them all--the 8th or 9th-Century gold standing Buddha which travels with the queen. It had been placed on its stand just as the first guests were arriving.

The party moved to the auditorium for the receiving line where Queen Sirikit stood with Armstrong, the Ambassador Foundation’s Ellis La Ravia (he wore a small orchid in his lapel) and his wife and a few other foundation representatives. The queen, who wore a slim jeweled and embroidered sheath of dark Thai silk, a spectacular ruby and diamond necklace and diamonds in her dark hair, shook hands with each and every guest.

Dinner was served in the auditorium’s lounge which Armstrong remarked made a pretty good dining room. Armstrong spoke of his admiration and long friendship with Thailand’s King Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit and their country. And then the queen, in soft accented English made a graceful toast to Armstrong. Among those raising their glasses were Mrs. Robert Finch with Mrs. Kenneth Schechter, Mrs. George Fritzinger with Eunice Forester, Diane and Guilford Glazer, Atty. Gen. and Mrs. John Van de Kamp, Mrs. H. J. Van de Kamp (the attorney general’s mother) with Milo Bixby, Mrs. Bhirapongse Kasemsri, wife of the Thai ambassador to the United Nations, and David Hulme, who is with Ambassador Foundation, and his Australian-born wife.


The Social Scramble: For the first time in 25 years, James Galanos will show his complete collection in Southern California. Surely you’ve guessed: Galanos will parade his spring-summer line for Amen Wardy, the retailer who is making fashion waves with his store in Newport Beach.

Spotted lunching at the Bistro--beauty queen Georgette Klinger (here to visit her grandson Tyler) with daughter Kathryn Klinger Belton; Mrs. Corwin Denney waiting for Mrs. Morey Mirkin who was quite late; Franklin Pollock with Robert Beattie.

It’s going to be an evening of “fun, cocktails, dining and dancing,” at Tramp, the private club at the Beverly Center, when members of Operation California’s African Relief Program gather to raise the rafters and, at $150 per person, raise money for their program. The date is Sunday, March 31. Camilla Sparv is chairing the benefit, and on her party committee are such supporters as Shakira and Michael Caine, Joan Collins, Julie Andrews, John Tunney and his wife Kathinka, Freddie and Corinna Fields, Alana Hamilton, George Hamilton (Alana’s ex), Suzanne Somers, Jackie Collins and quite a few more.
