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Fishing Restriction Rejected: An Orange County congressman’s request for a federally enforced moratorium on fishing with gill nets in the migratory path of the California gray whale has has been rejected by the National Marine Fisheries Service. William Gordon, director of the fisheries service, said, “We don’t believe such a ban is necessary . . . . Although individual whales have died, the population of the gray whale has increased recently and is no longer believed to be a serious problem.” Rep. Robert Badham (R-Newport Beach) had requested the moratorium in a recent letter to Gordon because of six recent incidents in which fishermen accidentally netted the whales. Badham aide Argyle Nelson said even accidental catches are nonetheless a violation of federal law because the California gray whale is an endangered species. Of the refusal to impose a moratorium, Nelson said, “There are other ways we can approach the problem.” He said Badham may pursue the matter through legislation or other agencies.
