
Running Red Lights Is Far Too Common in L.A.

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I wish to thank Nichols for his letter. How often I’ve been meaning to write on this subject! To think that we are living in one of the most civilized (?) parts of the world, and yet so many drivers are callous and selfish about “beating the light.”

What is just as annoying as the daring dasher one has to wait for before one can move on one’s own green light, is the Red Runner who pretends that he or she was well across the white line when planning to make a left turn, and the light went red. Being trapped in the intersection or being partly in it is one thing; but how dangerous it is to move forward when that continuous stream of innocent-feeling drivers keeps coming out of nowhere?

It seems to me that we need a public-minded helping hand from the media on this. How about asking the radio and TV traffic announcers to add a brief message, warning of this constant hazard? Like, “Don’t be a California Red Runner. It’s the dumbest bird around.!”?



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