
EVENTS-- Today: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., the...

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EVENTS-- Today: 11 a.m.-4 p.m., the Friends of the San Dimas Library continue their annual book sale at the library in the San Dimas Civic Center (Bonita and Walnut avenues). . . . Noon, Mary Dorr and Gordon Gordon receive a Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge Award for their novel, “Race for the Golden Tide,” at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. . . . 1:30 p.m., poets Rick Jones, Bart Yoder, Henry Morrow and others take part in the Spring Salsa Spectacular, focusing on the Latin American experience, in Newhall (24721 Newhall Ave.; $2; (805) 254-0851. . . . 2-4 p.m., photographer Stephen Stewart signs his book “Positive Images” at A Different Light (4014 Santa Monica Blvd.).

Monday: 12:30 p.m., E. L. Doctorow talks about his “Lives of the Poets” with Studs Terkel on KCRW (89.9 FM). . . . 6 p.m., Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo discuss “The Baseball Hall of Shame” on KABC Sportstalk (790 AM). . . . 6-8 p.m., author/therapist Lynne Bernfield begins a four-week seminar on dissolving writer’s block, in Studio City; call (818) 760-4146. . . . 7:30 p.m., an 11-part adaptation of Mary Renault’s “The King Must Die” begins on KCRW (89.9 FM).

Tuesday: 10:30 a.m., Rabbi Daniel Polish reviews Ernst Pawel’s biography of Franz Kafka, “The Nightmare of Reason,” at Temple Israel in Hollywood (7300 Hollywood Blvd.); 876-8330. . . . 1:30 p.m., Henry Dersch reviews Michael Binyon’s “Life in Russia” at the Santa Monica Public Library (1343 6th St.).


Thursday: 10 a.m.-9 p.m., The Friends of the Newport Beach Library host their annual book sale at the library; continuing through Saturday; information: (714) 645-3485.

Friday: 5-7 p.m., Terry Brooks signs “The Wishsong of Shannara” at Andromeda Bookshop in Santa Barbara (741 De la Guerra Plaza); (805) 965-2400. . . . 7-9 p.m., Lawrence Block (“Like a Lamb to Slaughter,” “Eight Million Ways to Die”) and Sue Grafton (“ ‘B’ is for Burglar”) autograph their books at Scene of the Crime in Sherman Oaks (13636 Ventura Blvd.); (818) 981-CLUE. . . . 7 p.m., the Los Angeles PEN Annual Awards Dinner takes place at the Harry Chandler Auditorium of the Los Angeles Times; call 652-6920. . . . 8 p.m., T. Coraghessan Boyle reads from his fiction at Beyond Baroque in Venice (681 Venice Blvd.); 822-3006. . . . 8 p.m., R. P. Jones (“Waiting for Spring”) reads at the Laguna Poets meeting at the Laguna Beach Public Library (363 Glenneyre).

Saturday: The Pasadena City College 31st annual Writers’ Forum takes place all day; information: 578-7261. . . . 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Marcia Hibsch conducts a seminar on selling magazine features, at UCLA’s Dodd Hall; call UCLA Extension, 825-0641. . . . 9:30 a.m., Jordan R. Young chairs a workshop in writing and marketing books at Glendale Community College; 243-3184. . . . 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., the Friends of the Fullerton Library host a book sale at the main library (353 Commonwealth Ave.); continuing on Sunday, May 5. . . . 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Tony and Maureen Wheeler, publishers of the Lonely Planet Travel Guides, appear at Open House at the Los Angeles International Youth Hostel in Harbor City (1502 Palos Verdes Drive, N.); 831-8846. . . . 11-11:45 a.m., Susan Wolf (“The Adventures of Albert the Running Bear”) reads at Pages in Tarzana (18399 Ventura Blvd.). . . . 1:30-4:30 p.m., Charlotte Macleod autographs her “The Grub-and-Stakers Quilt a Bee” at Scene of the Crime in Sherman Oaks (13636 Ventura Blvd.). . . . 2-4 p.m., Terry Brooks signs his “Shannara” books at A Change of Hobbit in Santa Monica (1853 Lincoln Blvd.). . . . 3-5 p.m., Natasha Josefowitz signs her “You’re the Boss!” at Warwick’s in La Jolla (7812 Girard Ave.).


Coming: Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., The Second Annual UCLA Extension Writers & Publishers Conference takes place at the UCLA Faculty Center, coordinated by Frances Halpern and UCLA’s Karin Costello, with Art Seidenbaum, publicists Annette Swanberg and Constance Terry and publishers Jon Beckmann, William Kaufmann, Philip Wood and others; 825-9415.

Send material for Book Notes, including poetry readings, to Dick Lochte, P.O. Box 5413, Santa Monica, Calif. 90405 no later than 10 days before issue date.
