
Clearing Up a Few Points

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The article by David Ferrell concerning the historical landmark designation of the Highland-Camrose Bungalow Village (Times, April 28) left me with the impression that the City Council’s vote was solely a political favor to Peggy Stevenson. I’d like to clear up a few points.

First of all, the nomination was supported by the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Commission; Christy Johnson McAvoy of Hollywood Heritage Inc.; Stephanos Polizoides, professor of architecture at USC; David Gebhard, professor of architectural history (at the) University of California, Santa Barbara, and Sam Kaplan, the Los Angeles Times architectural critic, the Society of Architectural Historians of Southern California and others. This is all common knowledge to anyone interested in a complete story.

Mr. Ferrell told me that he had a same-day deadline and no time to get more facts so he wrote what he heard at the council hearing. If so, why didn’t he mention Joel Wachs’ magnificent statement to the council not to undercut the authority of the Cultural Heritage Commission. The members were appointed, he said, because of their expertise in these matters and this nomination shouldn’t be a political football.


Mr. Ferrell also failed to mention Mr. Bernard Judge of the Cultural Heritage Commission, who gave the reasons for their positive support.

It appears to me that Mr. Ferrell was more concerned with discrediting Peggy Stevenson, who has fought, at great risks, like a lioness for her community’s needs. Developers threw big bucks around to defeat our cause and Peggy isn’t to be bought. He also forgot to mention the embarrassing performance of Councilman (Gilbert) Lindsay, a longtime developer’s hired gun, who said that we . . . lived in rat- and flea-infested outhouses that should be removed so as not to contaminate the rest of the neighborhood. I’m sure if someone made that remark about his district (Mr. Lindsay is black), he’d yell, “Bigot!”

We all know the L.A. Times endorsed Mike Woo but, come on guys, let’s be fair. The 12-2 vote in favor (Lindsay and David Cunningham were the nays) of the designation isn’t a political gift. It is to save the Highland-Camrose Bungalow Village because it deserves it! Bravo Peggy! Bravo Joel! Bravo L.A. City Council.





Bungalow Village
