
10 Years After Vietnam War

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When will we let sleeping dogs lie? The war in ‘Nam ended 10 years ago and here we go, rehashing the past.

As a vet who served over in ‘Nam and came “back” to a hostile country, I wonder where we are living. In the past? ‘Nam is not our future.

I was brought back to the good old U.S. of A. on a stretcher. I was proud of the fact that I had gone into the armed forces to serve my country. But when people started yelling, “baby killer!” and “murderer!” I was ashamed to be called an American! I felt like going over and talking to these so-called “Americans,” but I realized that I would be just wasting my time.


I have lived with my pride, guilt, anguish and contempt for more than 14 years now and I’m really getting tired of hearing of the past. I am proud that I served my country, guilty because I may have taken human lives, anguished for the friends who didn’t make it back and contemptuous of the unloyal and traitorous people who demonstrated against the war. Let them fight the next time!

It’s over and done with! Let’s put it to rest and start working on the future. A future where we won’t have any more ‘Nams!


