
Local News in Brief : Son Retracts Plea in Mother’s Death

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Bruce Lisker, the 19-year-old Sherman Oaks man who pleaded guilty in December to the murder of his 66-year-old mother, withdrew the plea Thursday in Van Nuys Superior Court after a judge ruled that Lisker should be sentenced to prison instead of a California Youth Authority facility.

Lisker, who was 17 at the time of the bludgeon slaying, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder on the condition that he be sentenced to the Youth Authority, meaning he would have to be released when he turned 25.

But, because a court-ordered psychiatric report called Lisker “unmotivated to change,” with a “potential for violent acting out,” Superior Court Judge Richard G. Kolostian ruled out the possibility of Lisker’s being sentenced to the Youth Authority.


Deputy Dist. Atty. Phillip Rabichow said he intends to ask jurors to convict Lisker of first-degree murder.
