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Residents of the Amberlite Mobile Home Park appealed to the City Council on Monday to consider buying the park so residents will not be evicted.

Amberlite tenants said they have been served with notices from the park’s owners, W. J. and Vera Hannon, giving them until May 15, 1986, to relocate. The Hannons could not be reached for comment.

Many residents of the 32 mobile homes at Amberlite, 14131 Cordary Ave., are elderly and on fixed incomes and cannot afford to relocate, the residents said. They also said there is no room at other parks.


They asked the council to consider purchase of the property through a bond measure. They noted that Gardena recently decided to issue bonds to buy the Village Mobile Home Park there. Residents’ rent would be used to pay off the bonds.

But Mayor Guy Hocker told Amberlite residents, “We’re not your first line of defense,” and he advised them to talk to the owners of the property, to retain an attorney and to organize a board of directors to “present a plan that the city can participate in.”

Hocker said a Planning Department staff member would work with the group, and he directed City Manager R. Kenneth Jue to look into the details of the Gardena bond issue.


In other action, the council unanimously approved an ordinance that will require residents to get special permits for attack-trained dogs or those with “a proven propensity to attack persons or animals.” The ordinance was introduced after a pit bull attacked a Hawthorne woman’s cocker spaniel.
