
Anaheim : Water, Electricity Hikes Included in Budget Plan

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Residents may see higher electricity and water bills in the next two years if City Council members approve a two-year budget plan unveiled Tuesday.

Those are just two options that council members will be considering to make up for shortfalls in city revenues if President Reagan goes ahead with his plan to cut off revenue-sharing funds to cities later this year.

In the last month, city officials have approved two of the proposals suggested in the plan: the creation of voluntary fees for paramedic services and an increase in garbage collection rates.


In a break from the traditional annual budget, city staff members presented a two-year plan, outlining a 1985-86 budget of $361 million, growing to $408 million in 1986-87.

No water rate increase is recommended for the coming year, but residents may see a 12% increase in their 1986-87 water bills.

The plan also calls for a 6% electricity rate increase for 1985-86 and an 8% electricity increase in 1986-87.


City Manager William Talley said the two-year plan will maintain basic service levels and will emphasize improvements of the city’s infrastructure, such as a five-year plan to alleviate traffic and parking congestion in the convention center area.

Reducing blight will be a top priority, said Norm Priest, redevelopment executive director. Priest said his department expects to investigate 10,000 suspected building code violations within the next two years.

Other highlights of the budget plan include:

An emphasis on rehabilitation of existing homes, especially in the downtown and northeast industrial area.


Installation of a computer-aided radio dispatching system for Anaheim police.

Reconstruction of Fire Stations No. 2 and No. 3 by early 1986 and completion of Station No. 10 for the Santa Ana Canyon/Anaheim Hills area.

The council must approve the final version of the 1985-86 budget before July 1.
