
Stevenson’s Woo Brochure ‘Outright Lie,’ Reiner Says

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Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles Dist. Atty. Ira Reiner on Saturday denounced as “an outright lie” a campaign brochure published by City Councilwoman Peggy Stevenson stating that her opponent, Michael Woo, is under investigation for accepting a laundered campaign contribution four years ago from W. Patrick Moriarty, an Orange County fireworks manufacturer.

Reiner, who has been campaigning for Woo, said that Stevenson “disgraced herself” by distributing the brochure and urged voters to repudiate what he described as a “slanderous type of activity” by voting against the councilwoman.

Stevenson, a 10-year veteran of the City Council, and Woo, former aide to state Sen. David A. Roberti (D-Los Angeles), are entering the final two days of a runoff for the 13th District seat.


Moriarty has pleaded guilty to making laundered contributions to a number of California politicians, including Gov. George Deukmejian.

Reiner stated emphatically that Woo is not under investigation in connection with the ongoing probe of Moriarty. “We have received no information that Michael Woo is under investigation of any shape or form,” he said.

At the same time, Reiner acknowledged that his office is not taking part in the investigation, which is being conducted by federal and Orange County officials. And pressed further, Reiner said that he had not asked the officials conducting the probe whether Woo is under investigation.


“We have not checked out Michael Woo,” he said, adding that he had learned of the Stevenson brochure Saturday morning, one day after it was released. “No, I haven’t tried to contact the U.S. attorney since breakfast.”

Clearly irritated by that line of questioning, Reiner said that what was at stake was not the truth of the allegation against Woo.

“True or false, it matters not at all. . . . What matters is that someone would make that sort of last-minute statement without knowing whether it was true.”


Reiner made his comments accompanied by Woo outside Woo’s campaign headquarters. Asked in what capacity he was speaking, whether as district attorney or as a Woo supporter, Reiner replied “Both.”

“I am the district attorney. I happen to live in the area. I’m a supporter of Mike Woo,” he said.

The disputed campaign contribution was given to Woo in the form of two checks, totaling $5,400, from a firm called Condo Vest. Woo has said that he had no way of knowing whether Moriarty was behind the contribution.

Richard Drooyan, the chief assistant U.S. attorney in charge of the Moriarty investigation, said that he would not corroborate Stevenson’s charge against her opponent.

Allan Hoffenblum, Stevenson’s campaign manager and the person who took credit for the brochure, said he made the statement about Woo based on newspaper reports of the Moriarty case. In particular, the brochure was based on an Orange County newspaper article that he quoted as saying that recipients of laundered Moriarty contributions would be investigated.

Hoffenblum said he did not have knowledge that Woo is being investigated. Rather, he said, “I think it can be assumed rationally that all people who received the money would be part of the investigation.”


Stevenson could not be reached for comment.
