
Sacramento File

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Times Staff Writer

Governor Told several hundred labor leaders he wants “jobs, jobs and more jobs” for California. The speech to the California Labor Federation AFL-CIO leaders in Sacramento was the first time that Deukmejian has spoken to such a group since becoming the state’s chief executive.

Will hold a $1,000-a-plate 1986 reelection campaign fund-raising dinner tonight in San Francisco and a second $1,000-a-plate dinner Friday night in Los Angeles.

Assembly Floor Action:

Childrens’ Health Care: Approved and sent to the governor on a 44-22 vote a bill (AB 424) by Assemblyman Louis J. Papan (D-Millbrae) to require group insurance plans to provide preventive health care benefits for children, such as checkups and shots. The governor vetoed a similar bill last year.


Community College Fees: Defeated by a 42-32 vote a bill (AB 638) by Assemblyman Robert J. Campbell (D-Richmond) to make community college class drop fees permissive instead of mandatory and prohibit charging fees to dependents of disabled veterans. The bill required 54 votes or a two-thirds majority for passage.

Child Molestation: Approved and sent to the Senate on a 74-0 vote a bill (AB 31) by Assemblywoman Sunny Mojonnier (R-Encinitas) to allow a one-day court trial postponement in order to meet special physical, mental and emotional needs of a child witness under 10 years of age.

Senate Floor Action:

Elderly Residents: Approved and sent to the Assembly on a 32-0 vote a bill (SB 185) by Sen. Henry J. Mello (D-Watsonville) that would provide for separate licensing of board-and-care homes for elderly residents within the state Department of Social Services as recommended by the Little Hoover Commission.


Miscellany Robbins’ Campaign Fund-Raising Letter: Some Capitol lobbyists are grumbling about a recent campaign fund-raising letter sent out by Sen. Alan Robbins (D-Van Nuys), who is expected to seek reelection next year. The letter first asks lobbyists to attend gourmet dinners to be held Aug. 29 at Boh Ristorante in West Los Angeles and Sept. 30 at Le Bel Age in West Hollywood. Couples attending either dinner are expected to contribute $2,000 to Robbins. The same letter goes on to invite lobbyists to a seven-day Jamaica vacation/fund-raiser Nov. 1-8. Cost of this trip is $1,699 per person. “That’s a pretty heavy letter,” one lobbyist complained. “Three invitations in one for a 22-cent postage stamp that could cost up to $7,400.”
