
Businesswoman Elaine Hutchison has been named president-elect...

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Businesswoman Elaine Hutchison has been named president-elect of the Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce and will become the organization’s first woman president if she assumes the position as scheduled in July, 1986.

Hutchison, 45, is president and owner of Paragon Equities Inc., a Long Beach real estate sales and property management firm she founded in 1975.

She is a past president of the Apartment Assn. (of) Southern California Cities, a director of the National Bank of Long Beach and a vice president of the Public Corp. for the Arts.


Hutchison replaces Long Beach Grand Prix Assn. director Chris Pook, who will assume the presidency of the 3,000-member organization at the end of this month, replacing Marv Haney, chairman at Signal Savings and Loan.

Richard Kilbane will replace James Buescher as president of the Santa Fe Springs Chamber of Commerce and Industrial League July 1. Kilbane, employed by California Industrial Products, will serve as president for one year.

C. William Friedrichs has been hired as business manager of the Cal State Long Beach Foundation. He will be responsible for managing the millions of dollars received by the university for sponsored research and in the form of gifts.


Robert M. Wald of Whittier is one of 15 Southern California residents to receive the Heart of Gold Award from the American Heart Assn.’s Greater Los Angeles Affiliate. Wald has been a heart association volunteer for 14 years.

Anne Marie Atencio, a graduating senior at El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera, is among 350 students in the United States who received $1,500 scholarships from the National Hispanic Scholar Awards Program.

Dr. John P. Lehman of Whittier is the new president-elect of the California Dental Assn.

Robert L. Gould of Whittier has been elected editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont. He is the son of Stedman and Margaret Gould of Whittier.


Avelina A. Villalobos of South Gate has been honored by Rep. Augustus F. Hawkins (D-Los Angeles) for community service as assistant manager of the state Employment Development Department’s South Gate job service field office. Villalobos has transferred to the Oxnard North field office and will move to Ventura County.

Susan Meyers has been hired as the director of Whittier College’s Mendenhall Gallery, replacing gallery founder Carrie Ceniseroz, who left to travel and pursue other interests.
