
Real Estate Story Assessed

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I was shocked by your article, “Real Estate: Comeback’s New Terms” (Part I, Page 1, May 30). I am a realtor working in Long Beach and Orange County and have been for seven years.

I felt that the article was unfair to my profession. The part about high commissions received was not factual. Most realtors only make minimal living wages for hours and hours of work put in for their clients’ benefit. I truly believe that we serve an increasingly important function in protecting home buyers and sellers. We are required to take education classes to keep up with the ever-changing laws of our profession and the new financing and market conditions.

Anyone who writes that realtors earn “big bucks” has not spent time going through a transaction with us. Hand-holding, telephone time, driving, counseling, etc., are all involved in seeing a transaction closed.


Please present facts from a realtor’s view, or from grateful buyers and sellers who recognize the valuable contribution that the realtor performs.


Los Alamitos
