
Hermosa Beach

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Residents appealing land-use decisions to the City Council would begin paying a fee under an ordinance introduced by the City Council this week.

Although no dollar amount was named, the fee is intended to reimburse the city for the cost of processing appeals of zone variances, conditional-use permits and other land-use decisions made by city commissions and boards, said William Grove, building and safety director.

If approved on July 9, the ordinance would take effect in early August. A public hearing would be held next month to establish the amount of the fee.


A report prepared by a consultant last year estimated that processing an average appeal costs the city $219. Additionally, newspaper advertising and notices required by law cost a minimum of $100. The Planning Commission recommended last month that a maximum fee of $200 be imposed.

The fee, according to a city report, would reduce tax subsidies of appeals and would “minimize the practice of filing capricious appeals.”
