
Safety Belts

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I visit your city quite often and would like to bring something to your citizens’ attention. I’ve noticed a great many official state cars are being driven by people not using their safety belts. Check it out yourself on your next trip. State cars are easy to spot as they have a circled “E” on the plate, and a state sticker on the rear, side windows. Look to see if the driver’s shoulder harness is stretched diagonally or if it’s hanging straight down, the latter indicating non-use.

The other day I ran across a State of California memorandum on the subject of “Use of Auto Safety Belts--Governor’s Executive Order D-33-84, dated Aug. 16, 1984.

It seems all state employees are required to wear safety belts while in state cars, and in their own cars when on state business. Being a firm believer in the use of safety belts, and as a taxpayer, I think we have a right to demand they follow the rules of an organization that we pay for. I don’t want to be the victim of a secondary collision when one of them gets knocked from out behind the wheel because they are not wearing their safety belt.



