
Prison Inmates Curse Governor During Visit

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Associated Press

Gov. George Deukmejian, smiling and waving at inmates, toured the state prison here today but said later that it was “very sad to see so many young people in an institutional setting.”

“I’m delighted, of course, that individuals who have committed very serious crimes and have been convicted of those crimes are not in the community but are in an institution like this,” he told reporters.

“Although it’s very sad to . . . see how that damages their individual lives,” Deukmejian added.


As he toured the prison exercise yard, at least two inmates cursed him.

“It’s the same old ----!” one inmate said.

Takes No Notice

Another prisoner yelled, “---- you!” but Deukmejian didn’t seem to notice.

“Stay for lunch!” another inmate shouted.

Asked if there was another way to deal with crime other than locking up offenders, Deukmejian said that the state is spending a “tremendous amount on crime prevention programs” but that he had difficulty recalling which programs or how much is spent.

“I have always felt that by putting more resources at the front end of the crime problem you actually in the long run provide more benefits. You save money and you also save lives and injuries of potential victims of those crimes,” he said.

The governor was accompanied by security guards, several aides, three television crews and more than a dozen reporters as he walked through the exercise yard at the California Correctional Center, smiling and waving at prisoners.
