
Campaign Law

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It is surprising to see that The Times blames the messenger when you don’t like the news. In your (July 5) editorial, “Drilling Political Loopholes,” you misread your own story and reinterpreted it.

I merely gave my opinion that the new Charter provision limiting campaign receipts will not limit anyone not under the control of a candidate. I’m sorry you appear not to be in sympathy with that reality, but it is not my doing. When the proposed Charter amendment was being discussed, I made my concerns known to the sponsors and advocates of campaign reform. In addition, I proposed a reform with “teeth” and seconded a different reform, also with “teeth.” Neither of the reforms with “teeth” received the eight votes needed for passage.

The biggest trouble with the Charter amendment is that the voters and you will be frustrated by your wishful thinking and, as you have already done, will blame the messengers rather than recognize bad law.




1st District

Los Angeles
