
Major Void

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Los Angeles has a major void in the Summer of ’85. The ’84 Olympics put Los Angeles at the center of the world for at least two weeks. This world attention was the catalyst for an outpouring of imagination and energy by participants, fans, organizers and volunteers. The electricity put many locals, like myself, on a two-week high that we would like to feel again.

This does not say that Los Angeles is normally uneventful. On the contrary, this area offers practically everything for everybody in sports, films, music, arts, entertainment, recreation, etc. With all this going for Los Angeles, why should we wait for another Olympics in 2004 to rekindle the fire?

New Orleans has its Mardi Gras; Watsonville has its Artichoke Festival. Los Angeles needs its own love-me festival once a year. This shouldn’t be any old upstream county fair, but an international extravaganza that uses the resource and energy potential Los Angeles has already shown off. By the year 2004, the Summer Games may only be the No. 2 event.



Woodland Hills
