
‘55-Limit Is Unenforceable’

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Henley states that the purpose of the 55-limit was to conserve energy, that prices have stabilized and there is no sign of a real energy shortage looming.

While those statements are somewhat true, they are very misleading. First, the conservation of fuel was only one of the reasons for the new limit in 1974. Traffic safety, of course, was other major factor in the lowering of the speed limit.

Although fuel prices have somewhat stabilized, they have still risen, and will continue to rise.


To say that there is no “real energy shortage looming” is, at best, a tragically misguided conclusion. I do not believe there is any controversy over the fact that the world’s fuel resources are dwindling at an alarming rate. To predicate an excuse to increase road speeds on the basis of having plenty of fuel is naive.


