
Campaign on Teen Pregnancies

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Your article (Aug. 2), “Media Campaign on Teen Pregnancies Rejected,” about the three television networks rejecting birth control messages, reflects prevailing ignorance about the subject of teen-age pregnancy.

Adolescent girls do not get pregnant because of lack of knowledge about contraception. The notion that providing birth control information will stem the tide of these pregnancies is foolish. Teen-age girls know where babies come from and are familiar with the most common contraceptive methods.

The flood of pregnancies that we are now seeing are due to a host of social problems, social changes and pressures that impinge upon young girls very strongly at this point in their lives.


Unhappy or unstable homes often give rise to the notion that pregnancy and the birth of a child will provide closeness, intimacy and a sense of self-worth. Such pregnancies are usually subconsciously wanted.

Young girls are also under tremendous pressure to be sexually available, even when such early experiences are harmful. And the media play a very damaging role in this, exploiting female sexuality relentlessly.

If society is really interested in reducing adolescent pregnancies and all their attendant problems, it will be necessary to support family stability and eliminate the media attitude of sexual exploitation.


Providing girls with contraceptives only conveys the impression that young girls should be available for sex without complications.


San Bernardino
