
The State - News from Aug. 16, 1985

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If the 1986 election were held now, Democratic Sen. Alan Cranston would handily defeat any of the Republicans who are actively seeking their party’s nomination to oppose the incumbent Californian, according to the latest California Poll. Match-ups found that state Sen. Ed Davis of Valencia, the former Los Angeles police chief, would get 35% of the vote to Cranston’s 56%. Next best were Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who got 30% of the vote to Cranston’s 54%, and Rep. Bobbi Fiedler of Northridge, who got 30% of the vote to Cranston’s 56%. When only Republicans were asked which candidate they preferred in their Senate primary, Davis topped the list with 15%. A majority of the Republicans polled--30%--said they were undecided.
