
Local News in Brief : Man Kills His Sister in N. Hollywood Accident

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A 17-year-old North Hollywood girl died Thursday after her brother accidentally shot her in the head with a rifle, Los Angeles police said.

The girl, Sang Lim, died about 5 a.m. in Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank after surgery, Detective Dan Real said.

Her brother, San Nyung Lim, 18, was playing with a rifle and shot her once in the head in a bedroom of their home at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, Real said. The children’s parents were home in the 6900 block of Van Noord Avenue but did not witness the shooting, he said.


The brother was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder but was released Thursday morning after police determined that the shooting was accidental, Real said.

Real refused to discuss the circumstances, except to say that the two youngsters were listening to music at the time.

“This kid will have to live with this for the rest of his life. he said. “It’s a case of misfortune.”
