
Poisoning of Guard Dogs

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A multiple poisoning of guard dogs has taken place right here in Northridge. The death suffered by an animal that has been poisoned is a horrible one, especially if the poison happens to be strychnine, a chemical found in rat poison.

The guard dogs at Motor Holidays were all one big happy family, with Duke the patriarchal head and Duchess the grandmother of the lot. These were two beautiful and loving shepherds. Little Sasha was only 5 months old and was a gentle spirit who would rather lie in the sun or play with a shop rag than hurt anyone. Two other young female shepherds, Raz and Taz, rounded out the family circle. Taz has a new pup only 5 weeks old.

During the day it was often remarked by customers that the whole bunch of dogs seemed like “pussycats,” but they were cautioned not to try to enter at night. Once the gate swung closed, the dogs were on duty. Their job is a very important one, and they did it well.


However, who can protect a dog family from the unbalanced mind that would toss rat poison mixed with trail mix over the wall, knowing full well that dogs are born scavengers? That is what happened around midnight on Aug. 10. Some of the dogs were saved only because the commotion of the poisoned ones awakened the owners. . . .

What kind of person is capable of this act? Why don’t we have the same safeguards on the purchase of rat poison as we do on pesticides? What if a young child had been the one to discover the rat poison?

We wonder who else in the community has had a problem with this kind of crime, either with their guard dogs or their domestic pets.



