
Arky More Colorful Than He Was Perceived

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About Fullerton’s baseball hero, Arky Vaughan:

I grew up in the same neighborhood with Arky, about four years behind him. The good Times article (Aug. 31) about Arky quoted the Fullerton Daily News-Tribune article saying, “He lacked only one thing--a colorful personality.”

Well, I’m here to tell you he was handsome enough to make us girls swoon when he walked by with that shy smile and he was colorful and popular enough to get elected freshman class president, and later student body vice-president at Fullerton Union High School (kids came to Fullerton High School from all of the surrounding towns).

He also married his high school sweetheart, Margaret Allen, who was one of the prettiest girls on campus. How colorful do I need to get, I wonder?


Maybe he didn’t make smart-aleck remarks to the press or enjoy talking about himself, but he was colorful enough for me and just about everyone else in Fullerton. Not only that he was loved and respected--someone to look up to--but a hero!

Hooray for his election to the Baseball Hall of Fame--finally!


