
‘Walk on Water’ Planned for Addition to Crystal Cathedral

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Times Religion Writer

The Rev. Robert H. Schuller unveiled details this week for a planned $20-million Leadership Training Center and “walk-on-water” chapel to be built on a corner of his 22-acre Crystal Cathedral campus in Garden Grove.

The glass-and-granite training center is aimed at educating future leaders in the “self-esteem theology” espoused by Schuller. “Our faith, rightly interpreted, focuses on building up people’s self-worth and self-esteem,” the pastor said in his Sunday sermon.

The design of the chapel floor inevitably suggests the gospel stories of Jesus walking on water. Underneath the glass floor of the Creation Chapel will be aquarium water containing koi fish.


The two buildings are the work of Los Angeles architect Gin Wong, who designed the Transamerica Building in San Francisco. Funds to build the chapel have already been donated and about $8 million has been pledged or donated for the training center, a spokesman said.

The 10,000-member congregation, which recently acquired a large viewing screen for its drive-in worshipers outside, also put in place for the first time last Sunday a 11 1/2-by-15-foot Sony Jumbotron video screen for the inside worshipers. Via videotape, Vice President George Bush extended birthday greetings to Schuller, who turned 59 on Monday.

The screen was intended to give people seated in the large sanctuary the same close-up views of Schuller and his guests that are seen by people who watch his Sunday services on a delayed basis as the syndicated “Hour of Power” television program. A spokesman predicted that the screen will be used by other large churches that want to be “on the cutting edge of ministry.”


Archbishop Roger Mahony has indicated that he will name a female vicar for the 2,484 nuns in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, a high-level post now administered by Auxiliary Bishop John Ward.

During a recent Mass celebrated with sisters, the new archbishop said, “Through some type of election (we) would like the surfacing of three candidates from among you from whom I may select a vicar for women religious .” Mahony said Ward, who also is vicar for religious order priests and brothers, would continue as vicar for the nuns until a sister is selected.

Mahony earlier said he would encourage the formation of a sisters’ council as an advisory panel, much like the Senate of Priests already functions.


“He’s a mover and a shaker,” said Sister Lorraine Pagendarm, who served as chancellor of the Stockton diocese this year under Mahony before he was appointed to Los Angeles.
