
Furor Over Farrakhan

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The actions of some of Los Angeles’ black leaders with regard to Farrakhan’s recent remarks smack of both hypocrisy and naivete. Can you imagine what their reaction would be if a public figure were to denounce blacks as “gutter” people before a crowd of thousands? Yet when Farrakhan spews out his anti-Semitic garbage (and I am not referring to his criticisms of Israel, which are perfectly acceptable), they feel compelled to withhold comment because the minister has done good deeds for the black community.

Maybe these same black leaders need to be reminded that another famous anti-Semite (Adolf Hitler) also was “very good” for the German people (at least in the beginning) and provided them with jobs, education, and a sense of pride.

For the thousands of Jewish citizens of Los Angeles who both in spirit and daily deed have long supported the black people in their struggle for equality and justice, the actions of these black leaders is extremely disheartening. While Farrakhan can be explained away as an immoral bigot, the silence of many blacks is a much more disquieting development.



Los Alamitos
