
Fullerton : 21 Panel Positions to Become Vacant

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Residents with an itch to serve on a committee or a commission have nine such groups to choose from as 21 positions become vacant at the end of the year.

Appointments are made by the City Council. Applications, which can be picked up at City Hall, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave., must be returned by Nov. 7. The positions will be become vacant beginning Dec. 31, when some of the current members’ terms expire, Fullerton spokeswoman Sylvia Palmer Mudrick said.

The groups that “always have a good number of applications” include the Community Services Commission, which will have two openings, and the Planning Commission, which will have three vacancies, the spokeswoman said.


Others with vacancies are the Fullerton Arboretum Commission, the Community Development Citizens’ Committe, the Fullerton Energy and Resource Management Committee, the Library Board of Trustees, the Airport Users Task Force, Redevelopment Project Area 1 Committee and the Redevelopment Project Area 2 Committee.
