
Excerpts From Comments by Mubarak on U.S. Interception

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Associated Press

Here are excerpts from comments made by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Saturday about the interception of the Egyptian plane carrying the hijackers of the Italian cruise liner by U.S. jet fighters. Mubarak spoke mainly in Arabic and his comments were translated into English:

It is true that I had given a decision for the men to leave. It is true that the men did not leave for technical, administrative and political reasons. I did not know they hadn’t left until three hours after I gave my announcement (on Thursday). Some of the news agencies said this was collusion between Egypt and the United States. We do not ‘collude’ with anyone. We would not do a silly thing like that. When we give our word, we stand by it.

After we found out there was a murder, we said the PLO and Arafat should take them and try them. . . .


This would have been much better than trying them in Italy or in the United States and opening the door for revenge problems.

The OK from Tunis (the Tunisian capital) came between 8:30 and 8:45 in the evening (Thursday). The plane left around 10:15. After 25 minutes, for pressures or other reasons, Tunis withdrew its permission for landing, and it had its reasons which we understand. At that time the plane was in Greek airspace.

The pilot said unidentified planes were forcing him to land.

This was a strange incident, and I thought, ‘which country would do such a thing? Which country would commit an act of piracy in this way?’ I would never have imagined it to be a friendly country. I was shocked when I heard it was the United States. We had not expected this attack from a friend.


If an American was killed, we condemn this killing. However, the United States should never have done this, with all the friendship that exists between us. This is very sad, and I am very wounded.

I also blame the Italian Prime Minister (Bettino Craxi). He is our friend. I am very sad that he should let American fighters intercept an Egyptian civilian plane in his airspace.

This is a very serious incident, unheard-of under any international law or code. I am very wounded.


Afterwards, the American President made some good remarks . . . but to be able to overlook this incident, it will take a long time.

Now there is a coolness and strain (with the United States) as a result of this incident. (Asked whether the ship is still in Egypt because the Egyptian plane is still held in Italy):

No, there is an investigation. When the investigation is over, then it will leave.
