
Marine Color Guard at Burial of Fetuses

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I cannot believe The Times printed the article, “Marines Say They Were Misled on Fetus Burial Role,” without considering that the burial of 16,000 fetuses might be more journalistically important than whether three Marines were “misled” into attending the service.

Whether or not the Marines were improperly led to the service is insignificant in comparison to the mass burial of 16,000 fetuses, who, regardless of our views on abortion, would be alive today if they had not been aborted. Was the Holocaust of the Jews so long ago that we have forgotten what the loss of 16,000 lives means?

Perhaps The Times will be sensitive toward the life of the unborn in the future, regardless of the fact that the abortion issue has not been resolved, when it realizes that many people in Los Angeles are agonizing over the 16,000 fetuses who never got to live. You don’t have to be for or against abortion to feel pain for the 16,000 fetuses--you just have to have a reverence for the opportunity of life, an opportunity these 16,000 never received.


Santa Monica
