
Severely Injured Suspect Resisted Arrest, Police Say

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A 26-year-old man was in extremely critical condition with a fractured skull Saturday after being struck with batons by police officers while allegedly resisting arrest, a Los Angeles Police Department spokesman said.

William Retana, a Central Los Angeles resident, was injured after allegedly attempting to break into a home on Glenfeliz Boulevard early Saturday morning and then trying to grab officers who were called to the scene, according to Sgt. Michael McGann. The suspect “had been drinking,” McGann said.

Retana initially “attempted to grab” Sgt. Ranel D. Johnson, the first officer to arrive, McGann said. Johnson, observing that Retana was unarmed, returned to his car and called for two backup officers, McGann said.


As the two officers, Vincent C. Rodriguez and Derek A. Brandon, got out of their car, “Retana approached them in a hostile manner shouting, ‘Shoot me, shoot me,’ ” McGann said. Retana then attempted to grab Rodriguez, McGann said.

“Sgt. Johnson struck Retana on the back of his legs and on his back with his baton,” McGann said. “The blows were ineffective.”

Retana again attempted to grab Rodriguez, he said.

Rodriguez, using a “two-handed power stroke,” then “struck Retana on the left shoulder with his . . . baton. The blow glanced off Retana’s shoulder, striking him on the left side of the head just above the ear. Retana appeared dazed and suddenly collapsed.”


Retana was taken to Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, where he was reported in extremely critical condition with a fractured skull, McGann said.
