
Traveling In Style

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In this issue of Traveling In Style, we welcome the company of a number of celebrities, including Baseball Commissioner Peter Ueberroth, novelist Herbert Gold, author Barnaby Conrad and the lovely Dinah Shore. It was a pleasure working with each of those personalities, but it was the charming Dinah who enchanted us. When I telephoned to inquire if she would write an article, this lady with the soft Southern accent responded affirmatively. Yes, she said, but couldn’t we discuss the story over tea? You bet! Then her office phoned: Dinah had reconsidered. I admit, shamelessly, that I was disappointed. I’ve had a crush on Dinah for years, and now I was being stood up. But no, in place of tea she suggested dinner. All I can say is that everything you’ve ever heard about this gracious lady is true.

She’s a joy to work with, and--happy surprise--she writes well too, as you will discover when you turn to her article on Page 14. You’ll also enjoy travels with Commissioner Ueberroth, boating down the Thames with Barnaby Conrad and sharing special moments with Herbert Gold. On other pages, Caskie Stinnett discusses his favorite winter hideaways and Michael Jackson introduces us to the Glacier Express. We go pub crawling with Chris Barnett, visit Rio with William Krauss and get a glimpse of Hemingway’s Venice with Walter Hackett. Our own Times correspondents tell of little-known restaurants around the world, and I take our readers on a sentimental journey to storied islands from the Caribbean to the South Seas. There’s more, so join us, won’t you?
