
The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight, Walk Straight or Climb Straight

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Times Staff Writer

Striking a blow against disorganized crime, Lynwood sheriff’s deputies reported the arrest Wednesday of a trio of alleged would-be burglars--one who was tipsy, one who missed her getaway ride and one who fell victim to his own alibi.

Deputy John Broussard, a sheriff’s spokesman, and a witness said it happened like this:

Residents in an apartment complex in the 11250 block of Virginia Avenue in Lynwood noticed the trio on three visits late Tuesday afternoon. On the second visit, a suspect later identified as Mary Williams, 25, used a hairbrush to break an apartment window, prompting neighbors to phone sheriff’s deputies. The suspects departed but soon returned--while a neighbor was still on the phone with authorities.

That neighbor, who requested anonymity, said two men waited in the car as a woman picked the glass from the window pane. Failing in her efforts to climb through the window, she “dragged” one man from the car, the witness said. Despite his obviously intoxicated state, the man boosted the woman to the window ledge before he toppled over.


“Her body was halfway in and halfway out,” the witness said. Her suspected helper, later identified as Edward Negrete, 42, managed to get back to his feet, clinging to a laundry-line pole for support.

Deputies Arrive, Chase Begins

The car’s driver then emerged to urge his cohorts to hurry. At that moment, Sheriff’s Deputy Armando Rea arrived, and a chase began.

The driver got into the car and headed off down an alley. Williams ran after him, shouting for him to stop.


After driving about 60 feet, he did stop. He emerged from the car, and Rea said he believed that he saw the man pull a gun from his waistband and point it at him. The deputy fired two blasts from his shotgun. No one was injured.

The suspect got back in the car and drove off. Williams and Negrete were arrested. “That guy was still holding onto the pole. He never moved,” the neighbor said.

A short time later, the getaway car was found and impounded by deputies. A man who identified himself as Howard Terrell called the Lynwood sheriff’s station from a pay phone to report that his car had been stolen. When deputies reached Terrell, he was identified as the driver whom Rea had chased and shot at.


Terrell, 52, was booked on suspicion of burglary and assault with a deadly weapon, and bail was set at $17,500. No gun was recovered.

Bail for Negrete and Williams, both booked on suspicion of burglary, was set at $5,000.
