
Local News in Brief : Home for Retarded in Reseda Wins L.A. Council’s Approval

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The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to allow a home for retarded children to be built in a neighborhood of single-family homes in Reseda, despite objections of some residents of the area.

Councilwoman Joy Picus, who represents the area and supported the foundation’s request, said that, although it “pained” her to act against the wishes of constituents, the “need for such homes is great.”

James R. Diamond, who lives several doors from the site, complained that construction of the home for 12 developmentally disabled children at 7600 Vanalden Ave. would lower property values and disrupt the neighborhood.


Diamond had appealed the Board of Zoning Appeals’s decision to grant a variance to the Exceptional Children’s Foundation to build the home.

Northeast Valley Councilman Howard Finn said opposition to such homes is “based on false fears.”
