
Soviets, Allies End Talks on Summit Stance

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From Reuters

Leaders of the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies Wednesday ended a two-day meeting to coordinate policies ahead of next month’s superpower summit.

A declaration signed by the seven Communist leaders, including Soviet Communist Party chief Mikhail S. Gorbachev, called for the elimination of the threat of nuclear war and a basic improvement in international relations.

A Soviet spokesman, speaking to Western reporters, dismissed a statement by Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger in Washington on Tuesday that Moscow has deployed new SS-25 mobile nuclear missiles.


Foreign Ministry spokesman Vladimir B. Lomeiko said the remarks by Weinberger, who accused Moscow of violating the 1979 strategic arms limitation treaty with the deployment, do “not correspond with reality.”

Ivan Ganev, the Bulgarian deputy foreign minister, told a news conference that the East Bloc allies, after “detailed and sober analysis,” expressed full support for the Soviet stand at the Geneva arms talks and for disarmament proposals made by Gorbachev this month.
