
Hatch Says Administration Backs His Anti-Abortion Amendment

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Associated Press

The Reagan Administration has given its support to a controversial amendment that would halt federal funds for any group advising pregnant women of their right to an abortion, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) said Saturday.

“We’ve had letters from Health and Human Services . . . and we also have had communications with the White House. They do back it,” the senator said.

Hatch, a leading congressional opponent of abortion, is the Senate sponsor of the amendment. Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.) is sponsoring a version of the amendment in the House.


The proposal, which has drawn threats of a filibuster from Sen. Howard M. Metzenbaum (D-Ohio), would ban federal Family Planning Program funds for any group that performs abortions or advises pregnant women about their right to have abortions or where to get one. The only exception would be cases in which a mother’s life is threatened by her pregnancy.

Currently, no federal money can be used by groups performing or encouraging abortions. But women can be advised of their right to an abortion and be given a list of places to get an abortion.

Planned Parenthood is the major recipient of the program, receiving about $30 million from the program each year.


Presidential spokesman Albert Brashear said the White House “has not looked at the amendment yet,” but Hatch said that the Administration has shown support and that it will be an advantage in a reluctant Congress.
