
Santa Ana : War Against Graffiti Extended Another Year

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The war on graffiti is a time-consuming battle of attrition, say city officials. When they sandblast and paint over the sprayed-on scrawls, gang members usually return with spray cans in hand for a rewrite.

But a withering attack can eventually be successful, said Darl Incledon, who coordinates the city’s Neighborhood Improvement program. To continue the fight, the City Council recently authorized a $100,000 one-year extension of a contract with Graffiti Removal Services. In addition, Santa Ana will sponsor a half-day conference on the issue this week.

Several Southern California cities will participate in the conference, which will open at 9 a.m. Saturday with talks by representatives of Santa Ana, Glendale and Paramount on each city’s graffiti problems and possible solutions.


Paramount, for example, concentrates on a gang-diversion program to nip the spray-can habit in the bud. “Graffiti is simply part of that larger problem,” Incledon said. The conference, which will last until 1 p.m., is free and open to the public.

Graffiti Removal Services was hired six months ago on a trial basis. In addition to the company’s work, city crews from the Parks and Public Services departments do some graffiti removal. Residents can also paint over the offending messages themselves and the city will pay for materials, Incledon said.
