
Rights Suspension in Nicaragua

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Is the State Department happy about the suspending of some freedoms in Managua? It seems to be.

After all, these rights were instituted by the revolution, they did not exist under Somoza.

Only when we hear they are suspended do we learn they existed! Now we learn Sandinista Nicaragua has laws protecting the “right of speedy trial for criminals,” the “right to appeal judicial sentences,” the “right to protect people against police authority to search homes,” the “right to strike.”


Of course, none of these rights are in existence in any of the countries we send millions to. Not El Salvador, South Korea, Pakistan, Chile, the Philippines, China--you name it!

When death squad killings in Salvador diminish a percentage point, we compliment this “friendly” government and send them another $20 million.

So the State Department should be happy. Maybe Nicaragua is becoming a friend, more like our people.


The Times editorial says (Oct. 20), “clearly the Sandinistas are under severe pressure from the Reagan Administration, which wants their revolutionary government overthrown and is doing everything it can get away with to make that happen.”

So this reversal of democracy is the direct result of U.S. intervention on all fronts, external and internal.

If the Administration responds to popular pressure and ends this onslaught against a country smaller than the state of Iowa, with a population less that of Los Angeles, if U.S. intervention ceases, we may well see Nicaragua return to the democratic principles established when they kicked out our man in Managua, the dictator, Anastasio Somoza.



