
Corporation to Promote Hollywood Expo : Roberti, Woo to Lead Museum Group

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Times Staff Writer

David A. Roberti of Los Angeles, president pro tem of the state Senate, and City Councilman Michael Woo will head a nonprofit corporation that has been formed to promote the proposed Hollywood Exposition and Museum.

The $53-million entertainment complex would house film, television, radio and recording industry exhibits. Plans based on studies by four consulting firms after a seven-month study call for financing from both state and private contributions. The tax-exempt corporation will be funded by $785,000 appropriated in a measure introduced by Roberti and signed earlier this month by Gov. George Deukmejian.

Budget Request

The four consulting firms that prepared the 39-page analysis of the project are Economics Research Associates, Landmark Entertainment Group, Archiplan and Lee Saylor Inc.


The study was paid for by $140,000 allocated in last year’s state budget at Roberti’s request.

Phyllis Holzman, Roberti’s Hollywood administrative assistant, will leave Roberti’s staff to serve as the museum’s executive director. Roberti’s office released a statement saying that Holzman will be hired by the nonprofit corporation to organize staffing, oversee the project and begin fund-raising activities.

Holzman said that she has worked on the museum project for two of the six years she has been on Roberti’s staff.


An advisory committee will be set up to assist staff members in selecting and designing the various exhibits and to assist in raising money, among other things. The committee will be composed working professionals and retirees in film, recording, radio, and television.

‘Putting the Word Out’

Some of the members will represent the corporate level of the industry, others the artistic and technical facets, Holzman said.

The site will probably be selected and negotiations with a developer started in six to nine months, Holzman said. “We are putting the word out that the economic feasibility study conducted by one of the consulting firms advises a location somewhere between Gower and La Brea on Hollywood Boulevard,” Holzman said.
