
‘The Reagan World View’

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It seems that President Reagan has defied that old adage “ . . . but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” However, your perceptive editorial (Oct. 25), “The Reagan World View,” in questioning his approach to the coming Geneva summit, is evidence that clearer minds are now realizing that the Great Communicator is even greater at obfuscating the real issues.

Your astute observation that, “The agenda for the Geneva summit may now be clearer. But not its prospects” indicates that Reagan may stonewall the summit by using a red herring diversion as a stumbling block to avoid serious discussions on arms limitations.

Despite overwhelming consensus for effective arms control, Reagan’s insistence on posing the “resolution of regional disputes” (such as Cambodia, Nicaragua and Angola) as prime priorities may very well lead to a summit failure.


Your editorial is a commendable aid in spotlighting this Trojan horse tactic. Hopefully, it can lead to a snowballing awareness--to help insure positive results at the summit.


Los Angeles
