
The Region - News from Nov. 10, 1985

Two violin dealers offered a $10,000, no-questions-asked reward for the return of four rare violins and a viola stolen from the trunk of a car parked at Los Angeles International Airport. The dealers, Benjamin Koodlach of Port Hueneme and Donald Robertson of Albuquerque, N.M., said the instruments, valued at $350,000, were irreplaceable. The most valuable of the instruments is a violin, valued at $195,000, made in 1774 by Italian violin maker J. B. Guadagnini. Robertson said the instrument was in “absolutely perfect condition . . . with no cracks, all its original varnish.” He said people with information about the instruments can contact him through Robertson and Sons Violin Shop Inc., Albuquerque. Police Detective Tom Broad said the thief apparently used a pick to open the trunk lock.
