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Steven Zak’s “Johnny & the Wail” letter complaining about “The Tonight Show” jokes about the whale in the Sacramento River reveals a surprising degree of insensitivity on his part.

The whale, after all, doesn’t watch TV or read newspapers--but the people Zak ridiculed so viciously certainly do. Not content with pouring vitriol on Carson and Ed McMahon, Zak also punches the entire population of Iowa below the belt.

While working with McMahon on two projects, I’ve often been impressed by his consideration for others. Besides being exceptionally quick-witted, talented and energetic, Ed is a true gentleman and the original nice guy. Never having met Johnny Carson, I won’t comment on him.


But I met hundreds of Iowans during a two-winter sojourn in Iowa. I hated the severe weather and the boring landscape, yet the wonderful people there made up for those defects.

Iowans are our guests here, Mr. Zak. They are real people who bleed when cut. One cannot live among them without knowing they are pained by the taunts constantly heaped on them gratuitously by the insensitive Steven Zaks of both coasts.

Sir, before you write another letter telling the world what represents “the best, and the worst, in us all,” please take a long look at the worst in yourself.



Manhattan Beach
