
Security Pacific Corp. reported that it has...

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Security Pacific Corp. reported that it has received approval from the Federal Reserve Board to underwrite life and certain types of general insurance in the United Kingdom . . . Baxter Travenol Laboratories and American Hospital Supply reported that the Justice Department has approved their proposed merger and related divestitures . . . A federal appeals court gave dissident stockholders of Pacific Lumber until Monday to get Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist to intervene to block the company’s takeover by Maxxam Group . . . Zenith Electronics said it has boosted retail prices on some of its color television sets by $10 . . . NCR Corp. introduced products that will allow its personal computers to link with IBM and IBM-compatible mainframes . . . First Interstate of Alaska, a franchisee of First Interstate Bancorp of Los Angeles, said it had terminated its plan to be acquired by Keycorp of Albany, N.Y.
