
TV Looks at ‘Nobodies’ Who Protect Sly’s Body

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Times Staff Writer

STAR WATCHING--The TV crew at the all-through-the-night shooting in Venice of Sylvester Stallone’s new detective flick “Cobra” is not shooting Sly, or his glamorous fiancee Brigitte Nielsen. The crew is from CBS’ “West 57th St.” and is doing a piece on Stallone’s bodyguards, Big Tony Munafo and Tony Maffatone. (Those who want to see Stallone’s exquisitely crafted body better run out and catch “Rocky IV,” because in “Cobra” he plays a detective who mostly keeps on the clothes from designer Tom Bronson.) . . . Bodyguards are not as constant a Hollywood sight as one might imagine. Only Stallone and the stunning Elizabeth Taylor are consistently seen around town with security to keep away those who might want to take on Rocky or get closer to the lovely Liz.

MEDIA NOTES--Steve Teichner signed on again with KABC-TV as its polling expert-in-residence. . . . KCBS-TV’s Bill Stout, picking up his award at USC’s Distinguished Achievement in Journalism Awards dinner, kidded his station’s management and the reports that it’s moving to softer news. “The bottom line,” according to Stout, “is that (Jess) Marlow is not to be co-anchoring with Chaka Khan.” Marlow, in the audience, joined the laughter. Then Stout added that, since they had left the studio hours before, “it might be changed.” . . . Regarding the media attention to White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan’s line on women y being interested only in “Style Wars,” Democratic National Committeewoman Hope Warschaw says, “The only gender gap in Geneva is the gap between Regan’s ears.”

DINNER CIRCUIT--Monty Hall will emcee and David Steinberg provides the comedy Sunday night at the annual Anti-Defamation League dinner dance at the Century Plaza. Sen. Albert Gore provides the serious side of the evening. . . . More than 1,200 people are expected tonight at the Bonaventure for Councilman Gilbert Lindsay’s 85th birthday party. At $300-a-ticket, it should raise a good deal of money--and the councilman doesn’t have to run again until 1989.


CALIFORNIA COOKING--Trumps’ chef Michael Roberts had the beautiful Claudette Colbert to try his quesadillas. She told Roberts it was the first time she’d had a quesadilla --and she loved it. He neglected to warn her that if she orders them in another restaurant they’ll be a little different--he makes his with Brie and grapes.

TIMES CHANGE--When Joan Rivers picked up the Humanitarian Award from Charles Nelson Reilly at last weekend’s Gay and Lesbian Community Service Center Dinner, Reilly added a personal note. Several years ago, he told the audience, he was supposed to ride on a pink float in the Gay Rights Parade, and it was supposed to carry the banner, “Actors for Human Rights.” Somebody made a mistake, and the banner read, “Gay Actors for Human Rights.” Reilly said that everyone else got off the float and friends pleaded with him to get off. He stayed on. “And so, I came out, on a pink float, riding down the boulevard.”
