
How Calif. Lawmakers Voted on Tax Measure

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How California members of the House voted on the measure to consider the House Ways and Means tax revision plan:

Democrats for--Anderson, Bates, Berman, Bosco, Boxer, Brown, Burton, Coelho, Dixon, Dymally, Edwards, Lantos, Lehman, Levine, Martinez, Matsui, Miller, Mineta, Panetta, Roybal, Stark, Torres, Waxman.

Democrats against--Dellums, Fazio, Hawkins.

Democrat not voting--Beilenson.

Republicans for--Lagomarsino.

Republicans against--Badham, Dannemeyer, Dornan, Dreier, Fiedler, Hunter, Lewis, Lowery, Lungren, McCandless, Moorhead, Packard, Pashayan, Shumway, Thomas, Zschau.


Republican not voting--Chappie.
