
UC Lawyer Who Leaped Off Bridge Tells of His Despair in Suicide Note

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The University of California attorney who jumped to his death off the Golden Gate Bridge said in a suicide note that he wished there was some other way out of “this terrible torment.”

“I have simply come to the point of despair,” UC General Counsel Donald L. Reidhaar said. “My mind refuses to think clearly, and I am not able to cope.”

Reidhaar, 52, leaped off the bridge shortly after 3 p.m. on Dec. 10. The Associated Press reported that the note was found in Reidhaar’s car.


“I wish with all my heart and soul there was some other way out of this terrible torment,” he wrote to his wife, Dolores. “My last and loving thoughts are of you and Lisa (his daughter).”

The four-paragraph note, which also told his wife where she could find his will, did not discuss the cause of his anguish.
