
Beliefs of Reagan Republicans

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How about a rebuttal to Marie MacDonald with the attached: “Are These the Beliefs of Liberal Democrats?”

Are you a liberal Democrat? Do you believe the following?

--People should be encouraged to depend on government for their livelihood rather than to work, save and become self-reliant?

--We should allow our military to deteriorate again as we did prior to World War II?

--Violence, trivia and porno on television are more beneficial for children as well as adults than religious programs?


--The best way to get along with the Soviet Union is to stop “Star Wars” military research and resort to unilateral disarmament?

--Young people should be encouraged to live it up in the “fast lane” without moral or religious guidance and let the taxpayers bail ‘em out of drugs, booze, unwed pregnancies, crime, etc.?

--Because farmers used poor judgment several years ago buying farms and tractors and implements at peak prices and high interest rates mostly with borrowed money--we should bail them out now with taxpayers money?


--Criticizing the liberal media anti-business, anti-religion, and anti-defense posture is unpatriotic?

--Federal deficit spending started under FDR in 1932 should be continued to provide more welfare but less for defense?

--Parasites and grafters should be jailed unless they are liberal Democrats?

--Judges and juries should not utilize capital punishment and should continue to release criminals faster than police can apprehend them again?


--More government welfare, waste and graft is fine as long as it generates more votes for liberal candidates?

--The Communists have no further plans to invade the Free World?

--Good private or parochial schools should be reserved for the Rich?

--Script certificates to be used by parents in their choice of a public, private or parochial school should be denied poor families so that public schools can continue their near monopoly without competition in most areas?

--All or most business owners are greedy unscrupulous capitalists rolling in big profits runing 20% or more on their sales?

--Instead of working until April 1 each year middle class and wealthy tax payers should work until at least July 1 to pay their taxes before starting to earn money to support their own families?

--Budgets should be balanced but don’t reduce my benefits? Cut defense spending and cut benefits for others?

Double- and triple-dipping pensions and fancy perks, tenure, etc. not ordinarily available in the private sector should be continued for government employees?


--We should attempt to dismantle less than perfect “dictator democracies” around the World so that they can be taken over by “Benevolent” new dictators as in the case of Iran, Cuba, China, Nicaragua?

--Cheating by welfare “queens and kings” and liberal politicians is no crime?

--The Soviet Empire never cheated on their military SALT and other agreements--so no on-site verification of compliance is needed?

--When criminals commit a crime, it’s not their fault--it’s the fault of society?

--The Soviets are now busy liberating Afghanistan as they did Cuba, Poland, Estonia, Romania, Latvia, East Germany?

--Government should conduct its affairs primarily to help minorities, gays, the unemployed, etc. no matter what the tax burden may become for middle-class American families?


Los Angeles
