
Supervisor Wieder’s Campaign Chest

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Supervisor Harriett Wieder’s offer to give her $250,000 political war chest to charity (if she remains unchallenged) was praised by The Times. You say “the entire county stands to win.” To make this county a winner Ms. Wieder should give back the contributions to the Irvine Co., the Mission Viejo Co. and the other land developers whose contributions weigh so heavily in the political decision-making process.

The Times in a separate news story explained the reality of gridlock in the county. Numbers of auto trips per day, miles per hour, the cost of freeways, the number of housing starts all were projected. But the question that didn’t get asked was: Who created this crisis?

The Orange County Board of Supervisors has been saying “yes” to their developer-supporters for years without regard to the consequence.


The federal budget is in a crisis because of years of deficit spending. Orange County will soon be paying the price for years of deficit developing. The cost of the infrastructure necessary to support the new developments will place the county and city budgets in an unending spiral of debt.

We see the Saddleback School District asking developers to start paying the cost of rampant growth. Who will pick up the cost of the improvements necessary for adequate water, sewer, jails, police and fire?

The solutions now being offered can’t remedy the disaster of developing as a result of irresponsible approvals. Elected officials have acted negligently by voting for the profits of the major contributors--not the welfare of their constituents.

Responsible decision-makers would create a moratorium on new development until this crisis is under control.


Laguna Beach
