
Wrong Target

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I read with dismay and disgust, “Water Rationing Rules on Tap--Just in Case” by Tom Greeley. My disgust is not with Mr. Greeley, who is only the messenger, but with the City Council’s Public Services and Safety Committee.

To have rules and regulations as to the use of scarce water during times of drought is indeed necessary. But nowhere in this article, or for that matter, any other publication resulting from action by the City Council, has there ever been mention of the need to reduce or stop the building of more homes, housing tracts, industrial parks or other people-oriented facilities.

We all know that we live in a semi-arid area, long plagued with a shortage of water and almost entirely dependent on outside sources for this most necessary component of life. The building of the Pamo Dam is no relief, as that would only spur additional construction on the premise of a six-month supply of water available to a certain portion of the county.


When will our misguided political featherweights remove their hands from under the table and face the facts of life?


Rancho Bernardo
