
The Region : L.A. Gang Death Total Revised Upward

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A revised Los Angeles Police Department method of compiling statistics on gang-related homicides shows there were at least 25% more killings than previously audited. The new figures show that an estimated 151 people were killed in gang-related crimes in 1984, rather than the 119 previously believed, police officials said. Police realized that some homicides were not reported to officials compiling gang statistics once they were determined to be gang-related. The uncounted murders were attributed to “a breakdown of not going back at year-end and auditing all homicides not handled by CRASH,” Cmdr. Lorne Kramer of the Police Department’s anti-gang unit, Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums, said. “I’ve asked the gang activities section to develop an administrative procedure to ensure a more accurate system,” Kramer said.
