
Geo. A. Hormel & Co. reported a...

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Geo. A. Hormel & Co. reported a 7.4% increase in earnings for the first quarter of its fiscal year despite a six-month strike by meatpackers at its flagship plant in Austin, Minn. Revenue rose 34.6% for the quarter ended Jan. 25, compared to the same period a year ago. The company reported that the results for the most recent period include sales derived from the company’s new marketing agreement with FDL Foods Inc. in Dubuque, Iowa. Under the agreement, Hormel sells FDL products through a wholly owned subsidiary called FDL Marketing Inc. The firm said that sales and earnings for the first quarter of fiscal 1986 “wouldn’t have increased as much” without the FDL arrangement.

For detailed data and results of other companies, please see accompanying tables.
